accent doodle drawing


Crispy, cheesy and
chicken ParmAmazing.

It's Chicken Parmamazing

The Chicken Parmesan Experience

What goes well with Chicken Parmesan? Good question. We’ve got a variety of ways to indulge in it. Try our Chicken Parmesan with a starter, side, dessert, or all three.  Each compliments the taste in it’s own delicious way. 

Noodles & Company Cheesy Garlic Bread
Starter: Cheesy Garlic Bread

Add a garlic buttery crunch to your meal, complimenting the flavors of the Chicken Parmesan while soaking up the marinara sauce so you don’t miss a drop.

Noodles & Company Side Caesar Salad
Side: Caesar Side Salad

Compliment your dish by changing up the flavor from the cheesy rich and tangy tomato of the Chicken Parmesan to a fresh, crisp, tart, umami salad that cleans the palate, keeping the taste buds happy.

Noodles & Company Rice Crispy
Dessert: Crispy

Our crispy is made fresh daily. It is the perfect end to a perfect meal.

The Chicken Parmesan Song

Everyone loves Chicken Parmesan. So much so, there's even a theme song about it.

Chicken Parm FAQ

Who invented Chicken Parm?     
It must have been a culinary mastermind.     
While no one knows exactly who invented it, it's widely accepted that it all started in the restaurants of Italian immigrants.

Where did Chicken Parm come from?    
Some say New York City. Others say heaven. And some sources trace one of the first Chicken Parmesan recipes to 1944 Maryland.

What is the difference between Chicken Parmesan and Chicken Parmigiana?     
One is pronounced “parmesan”. One is not. Other than that, they're the same! Chicken Parmesan and Chicken Parmigiana are just different names for the same exact recipe. 

Why is it called Chicken Parmesan if it's made with mozzarella?      
The chicken is parmesan-crusted. Are you hungry yet?

When will Chicken Parmesan come to Noodles & Company?    
It’s already here. What are you waiting for?    

*Price may vary per location.